#UgBlogWeek · Love

What If I Told You

what if I told you
My favorite meme; ‘what if I told you’ | Morpheus in Matrix. Photo credit: Internet Images

What if I told you, you will never find the right person? Truth is, such a creature doesn’t exist, in the quest you are on to find someone so right for you.

What if I told you, you are irredeemably alone in your emotional world? No one can save you to the best of your expectations.

What if I told you, you will not be understood by anyone? Not even your best friend(s). You are that complex!

What if I told you, the moments of love are/were an illusion?

What if I told you, there is something wrong with you and with everyone else?

What if I told you, the idea of love distracts us from an existential loneliness?

What if I told you, these are the darkness truths about love? Yes they are actually!

Now let’s pretend we don’t know any of this, let’s be excited about love when we find it. Let’s see the best in the people we love, sometimes let’s walk a mile in their shoes and view life through their lenses.

33 thoughts on “What If I Told You

  1. What if I told you,
    Love is not blind,
    it just closes your eyes
    and for a moment or forever,
    depending how long the spell lasts,
    you have a perfect person
    P.S. and what if I told you the first Matrix is one of my all-time favourite movies

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What if I told you, Love is just love, perfect, complete and doesn’t need any solving or fixing?
      What if I told you, I love it when you pass-by?
      What if I told you, I really really appreciate?


  2. What if I told you There’s nolonger a truth but simply perspectives?
    What if I told you Love is not a genuine feeling but rather a search for comfort?
    What if I told you 2+2= 22 ?
    What if I told you …?

    Liked by 1 person

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